Page last Published 5/11/2023
Making Our Services Beautiful
There are Many Opportunities to Use Your Talents
Contact the Parish Office if you are interested in any of these opportunities or want more information.
Contact the Parish Office if you are interested in any of these opportunities or want more information.
Greeters - Greeters show all who walk through the red doors on Sunday what a warm and welcoming community we are.
Liturgical Assistants - Help the rector during the Sunday service. Duties include leading the procession and recession, lighting the candles and assisting in serving communion. Choir - Do you like to sing? There are no auditions, all are welcome to join the choir. The choir leads the congregation in singing hymns and sings anthems during worship. Worship Leaders - Lead morning morning prayer on Sundays. A short training course is required to be certified. Bell Ringers - Toll the tower bell to begin our 9am worship. A fun job for families with children. |
Lay Preachers - We have a dedicated Lay Preacher group. If you want to deepen your understanding of the Gospel and share that understanding with us, there is training available.
Lectors and Intercessors - Read the Lessons, Psalms, and Prayers of the People during the service.
Nursery Care - Help our families with infants and small children out by volunteering to be a nursery caregiver. If you know you are going to be in church, sign up to be on standby for a Sunday. Coffee Hour Volunteers - Show hospitality by hosting our social time together following worship. Co-hosting with another person or family is encouraged. Altar Guild - Members of the parish lovingly care for the worship space and prepare for Sunday worship, weddings, and funerals. |
Counters - Counters are needed for the 5th Sunday of the month and as substitutes.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors - Bring the Eucharistic Sacrament to those who are shut in. Training will be provided. ECCT Safe Church training is required.
Cleaning Crew - Help keep our sanctuary beautiful. Volunteers for dusting, vacuuming and general cleanup are needed for the church and office. You can set your own schedule.
Weekly Web Site Updates - Each week our web site is updated so on-line worshipers can get the service bulletin and announcements. The updates are easy to do and training will be provided.
Facebook Streaming - Help us bring Sunday worship to those who cannot physically be in Church by streaming our services. Instruction in setting up and running the camera will be provided.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors - Bring the Eucharistic Sacrament to those who are shut in. Training will be provided. ECCT Safe Church training is required.
Cleaning Crew - Help keep our sanctuary beautiful. Volunteers for dusting, vacuuming and general cleanup are needed for the church and office. You can set your own schedule.
Weekly Web Site Updates - Each week our web site is updated so on-line worshipers can get the service bulletin and announcements. The updates are easy to do and training will be provided.
Facebook Streaming - Help us bring Sunday worship to those who cannot physically be in Church by streaming our services. Instruction in setting up and running the camera will be provided.