Web Pages & Update Notes - This Page is Always Hidden
Don't make it a high level page because then it won't hide
Home Page
- This is our web pages equivalent to a newspaper front page headline.
- Updated About every month or so.
- There are no visible sub-menus under Home.
About Tab
Welcome Message
- Review the wording and update the signatories when there are changes in Rector and/or Wardens.
- Review the pictures gallery each year and update to highlight any prior year's activities. Make sure you include some humorous pictures and captions.
- Test the links every time the page structure is changed.
People of St. John's
- Update picture gallery each year with recent pictures of members.
- Put in the new Stewardship Brochure each year.
- At some point the book/COVID section should be removed.
Our Mission, Our Beliefs, and Our History
- These pages very rarely need to change.
- Check the link to The Episcopal Church site periodically.
Parish Leadership
- Update each year with changes to Vestry and delegates to Convention.
- Make changes if staff changes.